30 Day Success Challenge


Many people talk about success, and there are questions that come up as to what are the keys to becoming super successful. I think of our business and look at the top representatives within our company, and I can say that they all come from different walks of life and many different backgrounds.

Some have had very little sales experience, if any at all. There are others that have been in sales pretty much their whole life. The one thing they all have in common is true determination. They are committed to doing what it takes to become successful. Like everyone else, they go through challenges and have to overcome obstacles. Yes, sometimes they may even get a little down, but they never stay there. They realize that in order to be super successful, they have to make a commitment and no matter what happens, they refuse to give up. They understand the importance of goal setting and they make a success plan and they simply go for it.

Today, I have a one month challenge for all of you. The first question I have… are you ready to take the challenge?  The second question… are you willing to make a one month commitment?  My goal, as I post these questions, is for all of you to say a definite YES and YES!

The key is to get started, so let’s start today.

The first thing I would like for you to do is write a plan out on what you would like to accomplish in the next month. Be specific in this area. Write out your production goals, your ministry goals, your health goals, your relationship goals, etc.

As you begin each day, and please do this every day for the next month, name five areas that you are truly thankful for. Also, if you are a praying person, pray for a minimum of three people each day. This can also be done as just wishing good thoughts for them. Also, call one person every day for the next month just to encourage them and let them know how much you appreciate them. What a positive way to start the day!

As you’ve written out all of your goals, write a plan that is very specific on how you are going to attain these goals. If you are committing to exercising for the next month, start small but do it every single day and work your way up.

Okay, now let’s get serious about our business. Do you really want to have an abundant life? Are you ready for true success? Here’s my point, it does not matter where you are, how long you have been doing this, or how inexperienced you may be. The key is to get on a super success schedule. Starting today, there are no more excuses.

I hope you are 100% serious about this. This is going to be life-changing. Make a commitment to wake up early then work with 110% effort for the next month. I’m talking about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Take your weekends off and enjoy them and go right back at it with the same schedule. Map out a plan on where you are working each day and let’s go for it. As you are driving through your area, listen to some positive inspirational messages and get yourself in the proper mindset. Make sure that each day you are giving yourself uplifting and positive self-talk. For example, “I am great. I am successful. I am a winner. I take advantage of these great opportunities. Nothing will stop me. I will persist every day until I succeed.”

Make a commitment to work a full day and treat this like a job. Every person that you encounter, you owe it to them to give them the very best version of yourself. That means you’re going to give them your best smile, your best handshake, your best appearance, and you are committed to helping them. Starting now, for the next 30 days, you are making a commitment to give this business opportunity your very best.

Every day, understand that the difference between mediocrity and success is an additional 10% effort. What that means, as soon as you’re ready to close your day, talk to 10 more businesses. That gives you 50 more opportunities for each week. It’s incredible what you can do with those extra opportunities.

For the next 30 days, you are going to be the most positive person that anyone could ever meet. You also understand that during these 30 days, you will come across some challenges but you are making the commitment that nothing is getting in the way of your success. You are committed to the cause. These are going to be some wonderful and amazing days.

You now have the challenge. Let’s all do this together. I guarantee that you will have a lot of fun along the way, and at the end of the month, you might just say, “I’m loving this.” This is your new life. I’m rooting for you. I believe in you. Let’s do this!

Success and blessings!

Regional Sales Manager RMSNPC

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash