Tips for a Successful New Year

It’s that time of year again when most people get excited about all the new positive changes they are going to have in their life.

Staying Positive During Tough Times

We will all experience times when hope seems far away. It’s during those challenging times when we should be open to more opportunities for positive change.

4 Areas of IP Law That Can Save You From Disaster

Whether you are an independent entrepreneur or part of a new startup, it is absolutely vital to have a basic grasp of intellectual property (IP) law so that you can avoid having your ideas stolen or flushed out of the market by competitors.

5 Ways You Can Make a Difference

Several years ago, I was doing some heavy reflecting on success.

4 Things to Remove from Your Life

Let me encourage you today to take inventory on the following areas. Are any of these stopping you from achieving your goals?

Are You Taking Advantage of Opportunities in Your Life?

All of us, in our lifetime, are presented with opportunities. The question is “Are you taking advantage of the opportunities in front of you?”

Become a Better Version of You in 2022

I believe that everyone wants to become a better version of themselves, but few actually follow through. As we begin a new year, I want to encourage you to set a goal to live a life that’s filled with passion and purpose. 

Essential Steps to Protect Your Business in 2022

We all need to be taking more steps to protect our businesses. As we look ahead to 2022, here are some necessary steps we should all be taking.

Getting It Done in 2021–Part One

It doesn’t matter what field you are in, the key is to make a commitment to have success in all phases of your life. So how do you “Get it Done in 2021?”

How to Stop Being Complacent

Complacency keeps you living a comfortable life, not the life you desire though. The comfortable life is a complacent life.



Good Sense of Humor Leads to Creative Problem Solving

When seeking a professional, choose only a short-term therapist, advisor/guru, or a lawyer or a doctor who has a sense of humor.