Growth-Oriented vs. Goal-Oriented: Which One Are You?

Going forward, rather than being just goal-oriented, change your thought pattern to becoming GROWTH-oriented. If you’re not growing, you are shrinking.

Resolve to Succeed

As a noun, resolve refers to a strong determination to do something.

6 Ways to Overcome Laziness

Laziness, now that’s not a good word. Nobody ever wants to hear that they are lazy.

Positive Affirmations to Achieve Success

I believe it is absolutely necessary that if we want to have success on a consistent basis, we have to first believe that we can.

How Technology Is Changing Marketing

Why is this area so fast-growing? Simply put, technology is making data a crucial part of all sorts of marketing.

Mindset Mastery Series for Entrepreneurs – Part 2

This three-part series is intended to support you during these difficult times by guiding you in developing a winning mindset and building a thriving business. In Part 1, I shared a brief overview of the nine elements of a winning mindset.  Here in Part 2, I will delve more deeply into Elements 1 - 4.

3 Ways to Overcome Complacency

As I am writing this Monday morning motivation, today just happens to be residual day.

What Does it Take to Develop a Winning Mindset?

You will benefit the most from this article when you… Ponder on each of the following exercises and write down your answers.

Mindset Mastery Series for Entrepreneurs – Part 1

Developing a winning mindset requires a big vision, clearly defined values and goals, and empowering beliefs.

The Best Defense to a Shooter with an Agenda is to Know and Control...

Event organizers across the country are now scrutinizing their security plans following last weekend’s tragic Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting, which left three innocent people dead and 12 injured.



Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Pop-Up Bar

This time they have turned it into Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, an over-the-top spectacle inspired by the stories of “Alice in Wonderland.” The pop-up bar is open every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5pm-10pm, March 29 - June 2.