Decide to Make it Happen!

I have learned that success is a choice one makes every single day. The ones who consistently say yes to success reach it. I believe that most people want to be successful, however it’s the actions that count most of all.

A lot of people have a misconception when it comes to success. You’ll often hear people say those that have achieved success were just simply lucky. The truth is, there are no shortcuts to success and there are no easy roads. Success comes to those who simply make a decision to go out and make it happen on a consistent basis.

We all have a choice. We can watch things happen or we can choose today to go out and make it happen. Once you have decided that you are making a commitment to become successful, the next step is to put a success strategy in place.

Each of us are gifted with talents. It’s important to use your talents and take advantage of the opportunities that have been placed before you.

Make a commitment to do the things that successful people do. When you think about people who are successful, you will find that they seem to have what we call “the it factor“. People enjoy being around them and they look forward to seeing them. Start working on some of your people skills. For example, always make good eye contact, have a strong handshake, enthusiasm, and integrity. Greet each person you meet with a smile.

People who make it happen also have a success plan in place. Successful people have a structured plan of attack. They plan the work and they work the plan. Do not procrastinate, set up tomorrow’s schedule the night before. It’s important to be organized. Time is your capital, so make sure you are investing it properly. Successful people make every second count.

It’s important to understand that you will have failures along the way. That is part of the success process. Remember, you’re never going to lose. Either you win or you learn. You cannot control what happens all the time, however you can control how you respond to it and the meaning you apply to each moment.

Finally, if you really want to make it happen, you have to make a commitment to be a giver. The world gives to the givers and takes from the takers. Those who go out and make it happen every day understand the importance of helping other people and encouraging them. For example, in the field of selling, we cannot make it all about us. You have to put the prospect first and offer a solution to them. Make a commitment to do things each day to make other people’s day better—find a way to add value to other people.

It’s time to make it happen, and itt’s all up to you. Success is a choice that we can make every single day. Decide to be awesome today. Build momentum and allow that to carry you forward. Let’s make it happen!

Have a super fantastic week!


Regional Sales Manager RMS

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash