Leave a Positive Legacy

As time has gone on, I have realized that life is fragile, and life is short. It goes by in an instant. I have found that the older I get, the quicker time seems to go.

Just today I was speaking to someone very special, who just came back from a funeral, and we talked about all the wonderful comments and stories that were told during the eulogy. It made me think about a good friend I recently lost to cancer.

My friend was a very kind and gentle man. Everyone who met him truly loved him. This got me thinking about legacies and what my future legacy will be. What will people say at my service, and what will people say about me 100 years from now?

The reality is, we are all going to leave a legacy—some positive and others negative. Some people, unfortunately, are quickly forgotten and others live on. The goal for all of us should be to have a legacy of making a huge impact changing people’s lives, even long after we are gone.

For myself, my prayer is that my legacy will not just be money or success, but it will be that others succeeded in life because of something that I may have said or done. My goal is to have people say that their life changed for the better because of meeting me.

My question for you today is…what kind of legacy do you want to make?

Here are some areas that will help you build a positive legacy.

1) Become a Better Version of Yourself

We are all under construction. We all have room for improvement. It’s important that, no matter what level we reach, we are always growing. Once we stop growing, then we begin to shrink.

Invest in yourself at all times. Make a commitment to start reading positive books that will help you with your own self-improvement.

Don’t just read, write things down and soak up all the information on areas that will make you better. Make a commitment to leave a positive legacy.

If you can do anything to improve yourself, make the commitment to do it. Becoming a better you is the first step to leaving behind a positive legacy.

2) Treat People Kindly and Help Others

This is as simple as following the golden rule. Treat people exactly the way that you want to be treated.

Unfortunately, I see people climbing the staircase to success and as they are doing so, they start to develop an attitude of being superior to others. No matter what level we achieve, treat all people with respect. It doesn’t matter if they are the president of a major corporation or if they are the person that cleans the bathrooms.

Remember, we are all blessed to be a blessing. Do your very best to help others, especially the less fortunate. Smile and greet everyone with a positive attitude. Give someone a compliment.

You never know what people are going through. You can truly make a difference. Love one another.

3) Keep Marching Forward

You can never take too much action or have too much success. No matter what level you reach, make sure that no matter what, your fire is still burning. If you don’t, it will turn to ashes.

Always have a purpose. Yes, it is good to relax and chill out and have proper balance, but it’s important to have a clear, defined purpose and a reason to get up each and every day. Make sure when you get up in the morning, you are excited about this wonderful opportunity that the day has in store for you.

Many people have asked me, “When are you going to retire?” Or I hear, “Haven’t you made enough money already?” I always respond by saying, “I truly feel like I am just beginning.”

Life is all about constantly setting goals and applying yourself to achieve those goals. I want to leave a legacy and make an incredible impact while I’m here on this earth. Leaving a legacy is about how you will be remembered, not forgotten.

My hope and prayer for all of you is that you never take life for granted, and understand that each day is a gift. Work on improving yourself. Be real. Have integrity. Be a giver. Always have an attitude of gratitude. Treat others with love and respect, and keep growing no matter what level that you reach. Be a difference maker.

We have a great opportunity here with RMS. We have the ability to have an amazing life.

Never be selfish. Make sure you share your blessings with others. Work hard with a positive attitude. May Your legacy be super positive!

Blessings and success to all!