Principles of Life

*This article originally appeared on and is reprinted here with permission.


First In A New Series

Life is real and raw. As I practice mindfulness daily and find myself becoming more of an observer than a participator, the amazing principles of life come into perspective.

As they are interwoven into the fabric of our being and everything, everyone we come into contact with, the ability for us to tap into the “truth” of life as we know it is magnified.

The universe we live in is like a well-oiled machine, operating on the premise of the natural order of things and principles of truth that cannot be altered, shifted, changed or manipulated. These principles are a part of our everyday existence, in our thinking, our actions, our viewpoints, our interactions, and our understanding (or lack thereof) of who we are, why we are here and the experiences we have. Within the principles of life are the laws of the universe. As they are interwoven into the fabric of our being and everything, everyone we come into contact with, the ability for us to tap into the “truth” of life as we know it is magnified.

This, my friend, is the reason we get old and look back with regrets, what ifs, should haves and could haves.

Have you ever taken the time as an adult to lay in the grass and watch the clouds, or sit in the park and watch life unfolding before you, without any worries or cares, just in suspension in time and space? Probably not or not very often. This, my friend, is the reason we get old and look back with regrets, what ifs, should haves and could haves. What does this have to do with the principles of life and truth? In my experience, education (and continued studies), coaching, teaching, and mentoring, it is evident that as humans we are not led down a path in which the beauty, magic, and greatness of this magnificent universe we are a part of is explained and taught how to navigate. Instead, we are put into boxes upon boxes of the way we should think, behave, believe and be. How limiting is this? Very!!

So, I have decided to take what I know and share with you my own insights into living life to the fullest within the principles of life, and what truth represents within this well-oiled machine we are all a part of together from birth to death. I will be presenting you with articles that will entice, intrigue, cause you to contemplate, could alter your thinking, may cause some shifts in your experiences; you may laugh, nod your head in agreement, question what I present, and/or feel more energized, excited, hopeful and inspired.

No matter how my articles impact your life, if you wish to share your own thoughts, any experiences you feel are connected to your reading these articles, what you agree with and what may challenge your thinking, I would be grateful.

I will begin this series with the Principles of Life, move into the Laws of the Universe, then follow with the Eight Levels of Core Thinking, continuing with Wisdom of the Ages. I recommend, but this is not necessary, you keep track of thoughts, images, ideas and experiences that occur from article to article you read. What you may find is quite extraordinary and somewhat surprising to the point one day you could chuckle at the realization of what is happening. Today is a short introduction to get you started on a path of least resistance, personal and/or professional growth, freedom, peace, and joy. Happiness, of course, is the by-product leading to a fulfilled and enjoyable life.



When we are born, there is an innocence and freshness that those around us want to hold onto, cuddle and admire. This beginning is the end of the safety and protection we have in our mother’s womb. Our first breath creates a new beginning in which we are forever moving forward within patterns, cycles, and seasons of life. The principles are at work immediately, the laws of the universe are magnetically pulling on us, and who we already are (our authentic self) begins to be challenged at the core. (We do not know this until later in life and we look back.)

No matter what age you are now, the information in this series applies. For those of you just beginning your life journey, you will be light years ahead of those your age. For those in mid-life, you have the opportunity to become the best version of yourself every day for the rest of your life. And for those who are in the last quarter of the game of life, this could be a game changer.

We are not who we think we are and things are not what they seem.

As soon as you understand the depth of what I present, your awareness will broaden giving you a gift of sight. The truth as you know it will become fluid and the peace you desire will become real. If you are already living in a peaceful state, congratulations! Then the knowledge you will gain here can only enhance your life experiences.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, ever stops.

Most of the time, if not all of the time, we only see a part of the whole. Whether we are in conversation with others, in conflict and confrontation, or sharing joyful announcements; in our personal trials and tribulations; in good times or bad times; life is moving, adjusting, evolving, happening. Nothing and I mean nothing, ever stops. Even when we take our last breath, the energies of our essence of being is transformed into another state of being. There is no end and no beginning.

With all this in mind, think of the magnitude of the concept that within the macro-universe, we are but a small part of the micro-universe, that is part of an even larger universe or energy that is creating at all times. Nothing is a separate part of this machine. At times you may feel alone, disconnected, not a part of something. This could not be further from the truth…. Whatever you feel at any moment, someone somewhere is feeling the same. We cannot have 7.6 billion people in the world (as of 2018) and not have similarities. We cannot have the vast universe and not be connected.

We don’t know what we don’t know until we know it. I hope you learn a little, find some nuggets and in turn, share with others anything new you discover.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the articles I present to you.

Always wishing you the best in life!



*Sunset Photo by Thomas Rey on Unsplash

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Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTELproductions, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. Eileen teaches Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness Leadership, Validation, Communication Skills, and Leadership Skills. She is also a talk show host, published author, inspirational speaker, internationally syndicated columnist and Executive Director/ROKU Channel Developer. Eileen works with purpose driven entrepreneurs, companies, and family-owned businesses with her coaching programs to help re-engineer their brain to teach them how to get to the next level. Specializing in Mastering the Inner Game and creating a Framework for Success, using Mind Power to capitalize on opportunities and avoid being blindsided to narrow perspectives and limited thinking. Key areas of expertise include communication, business transition from one generation to the next, personal/professional development, and core thinking upgrade. As part of a power couple, Eileen and her husband, Trevor Bild bring a 360 view of life through their videography, TV production, ROKU Channels, talk show and coaching.

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