Seeking Harmonic Balance

Silent fears flowing through our being as they resonate with the words spoken by the lips of someone we trusted to tell us the truth. Betrayal of the heart is felt when we realize our feelings have become worthless to the eyes of time.

A stillness of moments within the darkness of despair requires a cleansing of tears felt inside our soul. Drawn to asking the reasons why, our mind is pressured by the heaviness of placing our burdens at the Cross. Learning to close out our pain and begin to pray for all the love that has been given and taken away.

Signs will emerge and angels will appear from heavenly realms; harmonic balance will begin to be felt as a compassionate voice is heard while a soft warmth caresses our ear. Vibrations of song will be sent into our spiritual life as we understand our purpose is to be humble and believe.

Walk the turtle by the unseen veil of faith as we journey through this world with hope and grace. We are chosen by God.

Inspired by Brittany Nichole Casey, much love