The Phantom Farmhouse by Seabury Quinn

I would not call Seabury Quinn’s “The Phantom Farmhouse” a great work of literature; but it is good, and well worth reading—especially for fans of the horror genre that do not require high doses of violence and sex in their fictional products.

Exorcism Literature

Stories about the supernatural fascinate and attract, I suppose, because they deal with those realms of human experience that are mysterious.

A Dog’s World

Memes and quips to love and appreciate dogs even more than we already do.

Light in August by William Faulkner

“Light in August” (1932) is set in the American South during the era of racial segregation and is focused chiefly on a protagonist named Joe Christmas.

Hombre by Elmore Leonard

The plot concerns a man named John Russell. He is a non-Native American who was raised as an Apache; and if you want an example of stoicism or “grace under pressure”, here it is.

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“The Brothers Karamazov”, Dostoyevsky’s last novel (1880), is generally considered to be his masterpiece. Its central theme is arresting and provocative: if there is no God and no life beyond this life, then morality is non-existent; ANYTHING goes.

Choose People Who Choose You

I have continuously picked people who eventually prove to me that there's something wrong with me, that I'm not good enough to be friends with.

“Wise Blood” by Flannery O’Connor

The sheer originality of “Wise Blood” is, for me, one of its strongest attractions. It is an amazing grace tale that is simply inimitable—and amazing.

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

In a sense, then, Melville’s most famous work (published in 1851) is made up of two different books: the one is the novel proper, which is a great and unique work of American literature; the other is a long-winded and pedantic study of whaling and whales generally.

What Good Has COVID-19 Brought?

We all know about the bad things that COVID-19 has brought, what about the good? Is there anything good that has come from this infectious nuisance and deadly disease?



LEATHER: Safety, Sexuality or Both? ©

Over time, the leather community expanded beyond motorcycle clubs to encompass a diverse range of individuals with varying interests and identities within the BDSM spectrum.