I have personally been in direct sales since I was 18 years old. Over the years, I have been fascinated with the difference between salespeople who just get by and superstar salespeople who achieve incredible levels.
What makes the top sales performers different from the mediocre sales representatives?
Obviously, one of the most important factors I have seen is the commitment to doing what it takes to become successful. Direct sales requires a lot of discipline. The more you put into it, the more you’re going to get out of it. So it’s important to give 100 percent and never give up.
Along with putting forth the effort, research shows that unique personality traits combined with a solid sales approach are what set top performers apart from everyone else.
Here are some top sales tips that will help you to become a top performer.
1) Stop overselling and start helping
The misconception is that in order to be a good salesperson, you have to have the gift of gab. The truth is, it’s quite the opposite. The best salespeople are the best listeners.
Learn to build a rapport with your prospect. It’s important to ask questions to find out what their pain points are. A top sales performer will try to identify a prospect’s top priorities and concerns and use that information to provide what is necessary to address those needs.
You will get a much better response when you have the ability to anticipate a customer’s needs. This will make them feel like they are being helped rather than being sold.
2) Quit wasting time.
When you are out in the field visiting prospects, it’s important to make every second count. Have a sense of urgency. Time is your capital, so make sure you invest it wisely.
Not every prospect is going to be a sale. Far too many sales representatives waste time trying to convince prospects. A top salesperson will have the confidence to walk away if it’s not a good fit.
The time that you waste trying to persuade a non-prospect stops you from being with the right, qualified lead.
3) Ask questions
Far too many people in the sales world are caught up in pitching rather than engaging with their prospect.
People are buying you. Be sincere. Be genuine and have your prospect’s best interest in mind.
Building a good rapport with someone hinges on asking good questions. When you are asking questions, you can uncover what their needs are and how you can help them.
4) Keep it simple
It’s important to learn the product that you are selling but, at the same time, there is no need to over explain it. I have seen sales representatives talk people out of the sale by going on too long.
Get to the point and don’t waste time covering information that is not important to the specific situation. It’s important to read each scenario and know when it’s time to close.
5) Have fun
I’ve had a slogan over the years, and it goes like this… “having fun and making money.”
In order to have consistent success in sales, it’s important to enjoy the process.
If you love what you do and you convey that message to prospects, the response that you will receive will be far better than just going through the motions.
Have a blast! Enjoy what you are doing and let everyone else see that you have a passion for what you are selling!
Sales is quite a lucrative industry. It will be challenging but if you make a commitment, you can have a successful life.
Learn from the best. Surround yourself with winners and, no matter what, never give up! if you’re going to be in this field, you might as well give it your all and decide to be a TOP PERFORMER!
Have a super fantastic week!
Regional Sales Manager RMS
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash