I believe that everyone wants to become a better version of themselves, but few actually follow through. As we begin a new year, I want to encourage you to set a goal to live a life that’s filled with passion and purpose.
You have dreams inside of you that you would like to accomplish. Now is the time to make a commitment to follow through and become the best version of yourself.
The first step is to visualize the better version of you. It’s time to break out a notebook and pen and start writing out the things that you would like to achieve; create a vision board. After you have done that, make sure you have that board visible where you can see your goals at least once a week. This will remind you of what you are working toward.
In order to be your best self, it’s also important to prioritize these things. Your list may be big, but it’s important to choose one thing at a time to consciously work on.
Make sure that your goals line up with becoming a better version of yourself. For example, when it comes to becoming healthy, start replacing junk food with healthy food. Your goal is to make this a habit. Take it one step at a time and you will be amazed how fast you grow as a person.
While you are setting long-term goals, it’s important to have daily goals. When you have daily accomplishments, this propels you to keep going. Get started with those easy goals that you know you can complete quickly. This will help you to build confidence. As you are developing new positive habits, you are becoming closer to learning how to be your best self.
Momentum is crucial when it comes to goal setting. After achieving each goal, you will find that you begin to build momentum which will motivate you towards your next goal.
Make sure that your goals are specific. Each one of them should have purpose. I recommend at least once a month to take some time to make sure your goals are still pointing you in the direction of your priorities and purpose. Every now and then, you may have to alter your vision and your plan.
Now, let’s get this out of the way. You will have setbacks and you will fail. Nobody said that this journey of success is going to be easy. It’s important to realize that failure is necessary in order to succeed, it’s all part of the process. Valuable insights are learned through failure which will help you to become more successful in life. Never be afraid of it, fear will only hold you back. Learn to embrace failure and use it as a learning experience.
When should someone begin a new journey becoming a better version of themselves? The answer is “Right Now.” There is no such thing as a perfect time. You may think that you are not ready and that’s okay. Start right now and start right where you are. Today is the beginning of the rest of your amazing life. Do not procrastinate. Procrastination is another form of laziness.
As you begin this amazing journey, you must understand that you cannot have any negative self-talk. Begin by speaking as though you have already accomplished your dreams. Keep your attitude positive and constantly build yourself up—no more stinking thinking or hardening of the attitude. Your attitude is super positive all the time.
2022 is going to be an amazing year. Make that commitment to become a better you this year and speak victory into your life. Let’s achieve those goals and with each win, you will be feeling much better about yourself. It’s going to take a lot of discipline and focus, but you’ve got this!
I’m excited for you and your future. Let’s go out and make it happen each and every day. Now is the time to become a better version of you in 2022!!
Have a super fantastic week!
Rich Norton
Regional Sales Manager
Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash