Sister Survivors

We shared a tiny piece of our stories decades apart, and yet the tricks have not changed their fetishes or desires—same filthy beings. Snippets of our trauma we shared--days upon weeks, months upon years... The realization of identical impurity and fears. These foul, Immoral, corrupt souls.

The Necessary Travel Tricks to Avoiding Jet Lag

Wellness travel is on the rise and for good reason: nothing says relaxation and adventure like a retreat in an exotic location.

The Intimacy Between Author and Reader

Ever since the invention of social media, it has never been easier to connect with an author of a book which you love.

Why do Low-Carb Diets Work?

Remember when the Atkins Diet was such a big deal in the 90s?

5 Tips for Working Single Moms

The life of a single, working mother is not always an easy one, but the reward of making it through and raising great kids is without comparison.

Introducing Landon McKinnis: The Innovator Behind “Go Nutz & Go Bare”

Meet Landon McKinnis, the ingenious mind behind the creation of "Go Nutz" and "Go Bare," two cutting-edge trimming devices designed to cater to the unique needs of both men and women.

Labor Day Inspirations

Labor Day is always a great weekend for me.

Innovations in Green Cleaning for Homes and Offices

Green cleaning can therefore be seen as a way to lower one’s carbon footprint and enjoy better health. The following are just a few innovations in green cleaning.

Laughlin Restaurants to Try–Just a Short Drive from Las Vegas

Laughlin Restaurants to try, only an hour from Las Vegas. Okay everyone, be sure to spend a day and night in the great Laughlin area. 

Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Have you found yourself perhaps being a little less thankful than you should be? Here are some ways to develop an “attitude of gratitude.”



A Dog’s Life

Sweet dogs to tug at your heart strings and brighten your day. Consider fostering or adopting an older dog, they are full of love.