Illusion of Freedom

I do not excuse evil, but understanding those who fall prey to its lies provided me with the most incredible sensation of freedom I could ever pursue on my own.

Pathway to a Father’s Heart

Can you hear me through the written word pleading “Go love and hug your dad even if all you will get is a grumpy old man!”?  Do it while you still can!


Ashley’s addiction for speed on two wheels started after she crashed a car drag racing doing a ¼ mile run. “They put me on a bike right after and the rest is history. I was hooked,” said the Savage Barbie in her.

Salvation Saloon Badass Church and Saints©

The demand grew for weekly services instead of just every couple of months. Thus, the “Watering Hole Church”.  Since then, many lives have been changed. Lives that would not have been changed by traditional means.

“Lions and Sheep” The Brian Bill Foundation

The foundation provides therapeutic support to Special Operations Forces active duty, veterans and their spouses through 5-day, all-inclusive and fully funded retreats.

TIFF “To Inform Family First”

TIFF, which stands for “To Inform Family First”, provides nationwide law enforcements with who you want to be notified when the unexpected happens. 


I love Cris’ story. She started with nothing and rose with sheer determination to the very top. She had a thousand reasons on her journey to cave into fear and anxiety.

Quaker Steak and Lube–Authentic Bike Night

Quaker Steak and Lube's Biker Night is more than just a weekly gathering; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of the biker community and a celebration of freedom, friendship, and a shared love of motorcycles.

RACING FOR ORPHANS Speed and Dreams©

“Racing for Orphans” is dedicated to helping orphans by inspiring them to pursue their dreams through motorcycle racing.

6 Ways to Level Up in Your Career

When we talk about going to the next level, we are talking about growth. It’s important that, in life, we never get stagnant.



The Authentic Leader – Being True to Yourself

In a world where leadership often feels like a high-wire act, authenticity is the safety net that ensures you don't lose your balance. It's...