“LIFT” The Black National Anthem of the New Millennium

“LIFT” is a modernized version of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” which has been historically declared the Black National Anthem.  “Lift” was produced by artist/production team “The Revolt” which is composed of “ACG” & “MA1”.

Europe’s First Magical Entertainment Center, Created by European Illusionist Florian Zimmer, On Pace Again...

His reputation as a top-rated entertainer has earned him praise as one of the finest illusionists/magicians worldwide.

Coming in July–DeeJay LeeBird–Earl Hayes

Earl's radio shows are dedicated to our Nations, (USA), Troops, Honored Veterans, and all the warriors in the Covid-19 War. He is dedicated to his art and extremely knowledgeable. 

Indie Films World—New OTT Platform for Independent Filmmakers–Kicks Off a Star-Studded Launch with a...

As an industry innovator, Modi decided to BE the change by launching a widely successful streaming service—Indie Films World (IFW)—that not only creates a no-nonsense solution for independent filmmakers



Revitalize Your Space: Transforming Overlooked Corners into Creative Havens

Unveil practical tips and inspiring ideas to turn any neglected nook into a vibrant, productive, and inspiring sanctuary. Read on to learn more!