Guacamole Day September 16

National Guacamole Day is September 16 and is always a festive day.

Avocados are a great tasting and healthy addition to any meal.  Mix the famous guacamole with lime juice, tomatoes, onion, and seasonings to your taste—make guacamole a super addition to a salad, sandwich, side dish, or with the always popular tortilla chips.

Since avocados fall under the superfood category, feel free to eat as much as you like.  They are filled with good fats and nutrients, and with the fresh taste of lime and hint of spice, the dip is flavorful and very easy to make.

Guacamole is versatile, too. Add it as a topping on a quesadilla or even add it to a salad, or just top some on sourdough bread for a light sandwich.  Of course, the simplest way to enjoy is by dipping your favorite tortilla chip.

Originating with the Aztecs in Mexico, guacamole is an avocado-based sauce which has become popular in American cuisine.

Using a mortar and pestle, mash ripe avocados and then mix in a little sea salt.  Add fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic, and lemon juice, and then add what your particular palette tells you to—hot sauce, yogurt or other seasonings. You can also go for spicier guacamole and add jalapeños, chilies, cumin, or red pepper.  Share your recipes and find the best combination. 

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