MASS HYSTERIA hits the streets October 1st – Just in time for Halloween!
[Los Angeles, CA] Emerging genre distributor The Horror Collective announced today on Collider that it will be releasing Jeff Ryan and Arielle Cimino’s Halloween-themed horror-comedy MASS HYSTERIA on VOD on October 1st.
MASS HYSTERIA is now available for pre-orders on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/masshysteria2020
When a tourist dies on Halloween night in Salem, the crowd seeks justice by mounting a modern day witch hunt. With the low-key charm of SHAUN OF THE DEAD and the sophisticated sarcasm of WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS, MASS HYSTERIA is a dark comedy that conquers the horror of the Salem Witch Trials by juxtaposing it with the 2020 Covid pandemic and a funny, satirical story.
Co-Directors Arielle Cimino and Jeff Ryan commented:
“We are so lucky to be partnering with the Horror Collective because Mass Hysteria speaks and caters to a very passionate and fun-loving audience, and the Horror Collective knows how to deliver those films to our audience because they themselves are huge fans of the genre. Beyond their passion for film Heidi, Jonathan and Shaked clearly have the know-how and skills to carry our story to the next level and we couldn’t be more excited to be in the hands of a team that really believes in our film.”
Shaked Berenson, Entertainment Squad’s CEO (The Horror Collective’s parent company), says:
“Horror films can be used to bring great awareness to social injustices. Jeff and Arielle skillfully use dark comedy to remind us of the atrocious hate crimes that occurred in Salem, Massachusetts, and how relevant they are to modern events.”
Heidi Honeycutt, Acquisitions Executive at The Horror Collective, added:
“MASS HYSTERIA is hilarious. It’s a genuinely funny movie about a very dark time in New England’s history that perfectly satirizes the worst of human mob mentality and crazy superstitions. Tragedy plus time does equal great comedy in the case of this film.”
MASS HYSTERIA stars Jeff Ryan (Orange Is the New Black), Charlie Pollock (The Good Wife), Michelle Veintimilla (Gotham), Louis Cancelmi (Billions) Destry Allyn (I Know This Much Is True), Scott Swayze (Brooklyn Moving Company), and Geena Santiago (YouthMin).