The Healing Power of Compassion

Walk the Turtle 🐢

Column by: Michael Aloia 03 – 07 – 2021

I close my eyes and I see visions of memories and dreams. I feel the grace of guidance and love warming my heart as I travel into moments of this present time.

Wonder and excitement flow through my thoughts as feelings of happiness fill my spirit and soul. I begin to understand more about life as I take a deep breath and allow the process of growth and spiritual rejuvenation to develop and renew whilst yesterday’s scars and wounds slowly diminish.

The caring, soft touch of peace and contentment has begun to outweigh the balance of sorrows that once overwhelmed my emotions and blinded my eyes.

I walk the turtle and feel the healing power of compassion as I embrace my journey of these moments with a grateful perspective of truth; letting go and allowing myself to feel loved.

I love you and I thank God for you Justine SueHaley.. ✝ 💕 😎

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash