Bound by an Infinite Love

“Walk the Turtle” 9/1/2019

Beautiful colors of the rainbow melted within the walls of chaos that hold together the calm inside the storm.

The perfect sphere with the depths of destruction seen inside the savage eye, moving across the sea of life taking souls along its course. We pray for protection as we are a witness to God’s Almighty power.

We are sometimes left behind to face the new days ahead, standing along the shores of yesterday’s memory and looking into the horizons of tomorrow’s challenges; to have our trials written and etched into the lines upon our skin as we become yet another year older.

Wisdom has set into the concrete foundation built by becoming a living testimony to the love and grace given by uniting two hearts, becoming one under our Father’s eyes and the Son. Release the tears of happiness in faith.

Changes inside our minds occur during these terms of our survival. Those who are lost are found by depths of love given to us by Christ, as we bow our heads and give thanks to God.

Walk the turtle feeling the connections we share, whispers heard inside the hurricane-force winds, the kindred spirits we meet, and the melting of souls bound by an infinite love.

I love you Brittany.
I thank God for you and Justine.