Top 10 Police Cars: Performance, Safety, and Law Enforcement Excellence

Explore top police cars epitomizing performance, safety, and law enforcement excellence in our comprehensive guide to the finest law enforcement vehicles.

E-Pipe Starter Kit Buying Guide

There are many options on the market if you are looking for an e-pipe starter kit. However, the biggest challenge is choosing the right one that suits your needs.

Stalinland by John Loranger

Going back decades, I have been haunted by the fact that most people possess at least an adequate understanding of Hitler and the Nazi evil, but little or no understanding of Stalin and the Communist evil.

“In Search of Dracula” by Raymond T. McNally & Radu Florescu

The reading portion of this investigation was my favorite part, and the book that stands out is In Search of Dracula. McNally’s and Florescu’s book is a treasure trove of information.

For the Birds

Although at the entrance to the bird house I have a vacancy sign and another under it, advertising “Migrants Welcome”, the house has been vacant for month.

While Time Remains by Yeonmi Park

But Yeonmi Park, the young author of While Time Remains, confronts us with the fact that the menace of totalitarianism, especially the leftist variety, is all around us, right here in America!

Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D.

So while I recommend Proof of Heaven to readers who are intrigued by this topic, it would be wise to consider a wide range of near-death experiences rather than focus on this one alone.

Personalized Father’s Day Gifts Dad Will Love

Special dads deserve a Father’s Day gift to make their entire year and show pride. However, getting a present for a father who has everything he needs and does not want anything can be challenging...

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Published in 1962, A Clockwork Orange might soon have been forgotten had it not been made into a celebrated and notorious Stanley Kubrick movie.

Humor After Death

Then we began to think of humorous messages from down under (but not necessarily just Australia) we’d want on our humor-stones.



Pull the Chute Leadership Training

The journey of leadership is more than a series of actions and decisions; it's a voyage guided by the powerful beacon of 'why.' Understanding and effectively communicating your 'why' is not merely a leadership tactic; it is the essence of building a successful, purpose-driven team or organization.