“Helena” by Evelyn Waugh

Published in 1950, it concerns the titular empress and saint, who lived during the 200s and 300s A.D. and was the mother of Constantine the Great. 

The Energy of Love

To observe the simplicity of a calm silence surrounding our moments within the present...

D.H. Lawrence: the Good and the Bad

Author D.H. Lawrence (1885—1930) is best known for his worst novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. But he also wrote some genuinely fine works of fiction, including the short story, “Tickets, Please”.

Journey to the End of the Night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Published in 1932, it is an autobiographical novel that is told in first-person by a character named Ferdinand Bardamu.  He is a doctor but talks like a criminal, and his slangy, vulgar voice is generally gripping and sometimes uproarious.  It can also be quite disturbing, as when he describes his combat experiences during World War I.

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Published in 1962, A Clockwork Orange might soon have been forgotten had it not been made into a celebrated and notorious Stanley Kubrick movie.

Important Things in Life

A few of the important things in life to remember.

Thoughts to Ponder

Random thoughts...

Tomorrow’s Possibilities

Transitions of passion fill the spirit as the mending of wounds become healed by the powers of kindness and love...

Two FBI Profilers

Not as well-known but more authoritative are three books by two real-life FBI profilers, John Douglas and Robert Ressler.

Dogs! It’s Their World

Cute and humorous memes centered around dogs and the joy they bring to our lives.



10 Essential Tips for Caring for a Sick Loved One at...

Discover 10 essential tips for caring for a sick loved one at home, from creating a comfortable environment to managing medications effectively