Reach Out to the Drowning

We reach out to the ones drowning among the crashing waves and pull them into the light of warmth by giving our whole heart.

Feel the Presence of Life

Walk the turtle toward your desires of heart. Give yourself completion of purpose by opening the doors of illusion...

It’s Worth the Effort

"Man, you're a weird looking horse."

Remember Those Who Were There

Riding upon the wings of an eagle, soaring above the clouds, held by the hands of heaven—knowing your sacrifice and your precious time, we go into the unknowns with

Tomorrow’s Possibilities

Transitions of passion fill the spirit as the mending of wounds become healed by the powers of kindness and love...

Your Hand in Heaven

Transcending beyond the realm of the flesh with infinite existence among our Universe...

Crafting the Ultimate Lab Setting with Ergonomic Laboratory Tables

This article explores the importance of ergonomic laboratory tables and their role in crafting the ultimate lab setting.

D.H. Lawrence: the Good and the Bad

Author D.H. Lawrence (1885—1930) is best known for his worst novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. But he also wrote some genuinely fine works of fiction, including the short story, “Tickets, Please”.

Arms of Our Savior +

Doors we go through inside our chapters of this thing we call life...

Vigilante Sting Exposing Fake Psychics

A group of online vigilantes organized by skeptical activist Susan Gerbic is on a mission to expose fake celebrity psychics.



St. Louis Entrepreneur Lacey ‘G Souldier’ Turner Honored with Business of...

Acting Director of the Department of Economic Development, Michelle Hataway, highlighted the inspiring dedication of individuals like Lacey "G Souldier" Turner, who work tirelessly to make a positive difference in the lives of others.