The SIGMA Male “Dare To Be”

If you pay close attention my good friends and if you discern between all this confused modern fog, both Sigma male and female are still very much there and here with us all—they are within us.

DAMON Unleashed: 0 to 60 in 3 seconds

The electric superbikes, including HyperSport and HyperFighter, offer unparalleled safety, comfort, and performance with groundbreaking technology and zero tailpipe emissions.

RACING FOR ORPHANS Speed and Dreams©

“Racing for Orphans” is dedicated to helping orphans by inspiring them to pursue their dreams through motorcycle racing.

KRISTA GROTTE SAXON Stripping Hollywood and Perceptions Naked©

"So I am creating a roller coaster of beauty and pain and leave that self-expression for others to relate to and release through my performances.”

AMAYA “Knowledge Is Power”

Amaya put herself through school ensuring she would at least get a high school degree. “I watched people get hurt all my life and I refuse to live that kind of life,” she confidently declared.

Hitting the Apex

Most importantly, you learn about the brilliant, deeply moving excellence of this life. I would give this masterful documentary five stars for all the reasons above. My only critique is that I enjoyed it so much I found the 138 minutes too short.

Salvation Saloon Badass Church and Saints©

The demand grew for weekly services instead of just every couple of months. Thus, the “Watering Hole Church”.  Since then, many lives have been changed. Lives that would not have been changed by traditional means.

A Conversation with Erik Buell

Buell’s EBR 1190RX currently holds best lap record at JenningsGP. Erik’s grin at the mention of that achievement betrays his justifiable pride. “It was the best handling bike at the time,” Buell said.

Guardian ad Litem: Bloody Screams for Advocacy

One way to help is volunteering as a Guardian ad Litem. Children with an advocate are twice as likely to be adopted as those without — and they stay in foster care for shorter periods of time.

Binding of the Hearts

We must work on ourselves before we can be there for others, for we may not be able to handle another’s demons either.



Designing Tomorrow: Architectural Innovations Unveiled

Discover how architectural innovations are shaping the future. Explore groundbreaking designs in our latest blog post.