Simple Ways to Successfully Take Up Art at Home

Learning a new skill or taking up a hobby has become more accessible than ever, thanks to educators sharing resources that we can easily find on the Internet. From makeup and cooking tutorials on YouTube to online classes in vegetable gardening, the possibilities are endless for those who want to be productive in their spare time.

Moreover, those who want to take up creative pursuits — such as painting, drawing, or sculpting — have all the resources that they need to recreate masterpieces like Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” or any of Bob Ross’ paintings. If you’re thinking about learning art, you’ll need more than a strong Wi-Fi connection in order to master proper techniques and stay engaged. Here are a few simple ways to successfully take up art while staying at home.

Start with the basics

Before you can do amazing graffiti art like Banksy, you’ll need to master the basics first. For instance, if you’re thinking about learning to draw, you’ll need to have the essentials on hand, which are graphite pencils and a sketch pad.

Start building dexterity by drawing circles on one page of your pad, and make sure not to let the circles touch or overlap. After that, you can work on shading techniques so you can cast some light and shadows on your drawings. Once you’ve mastered this, you can try your hand at drawing figures such as a caricature of a pet dog, or perhaps a sketch of a bunch of flowers. Once you’ve got this down, you can look up online tutorials that will teach you to create angles, add texture, and create an illusion of depth and distance on your drawings. Learning the basics allows you to improve your craft day by day, and it helps you become a better artist.

Have a dedicated space to do your artwork

People who work from home know that having a dedicated space to do their tasks is essential for productivity. For those who want to take up art at home, having a place where you can unleash your creativity can also help you to be fully engaged in your craft. The garage, an attic, a garden shed, or the patio are all ideal places to paint, draw, sculpt, or make art installations as there’s a lot of room to spread out without getting in the way of your family’s everyday routine.

If you don’t have a lot of space to work with, consider creating a mini art studio in your bedroom. You’ll need a table for your materials, an easel, a chair, as well as a tarp to protect your floors from paint spatters. Keep your art studio clean and well lit, and make sure to work in a well-ventilated space as being constantly exposed to paint fumes can be hazardous to your health.

Don’t force it

Learning art means that you’ll have to invest some time, a bit of money, and some space in your creative outlet. As a result, some people may feel pressured to create artworks even if they’re not in the mood, and that’s when making art starts to feel like a task instead of a pleasurable activity. If your creative juices aren’t flowing, don’t force yourself to paint or draw–it’s actually a good idea to take a break now and then so you can get some fresh inspiration for your next masterpiece.

You can watch a movie or online concert, or maybe you’d rather listen to a playlist of soothing music. You can also check out online galleries and museum tours by institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, The British Museum, and The National Gallery of Art, among others. Inspiration can come from anywhere, take a breather so you can stay motivated.

Learning to create art is a pleasurable and productive way to spend your free time. Try these tips to stay motivated to create, and you’ll be on your way to making meaningful pieces of art.

Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash