Fundamental Tech Skills Every Working Professional Must Possess

This article will highlight some must-have technical skills that every employed individual should possess. Let us dive right into it:


Based on true accounts, a Las Vegas escort is recognized by her sister in a viral social experiment video. IN LIMITED U.S. THEATERS Friday, October 14, 2022

Popular Methods and Solutions for Bird Control in Singapore

The bird control methods in Singapore are mostly non-invasive, which is great news for bird lovers! Here are some of them:

Top Men’s Fashion Trends Straight Off the Runway for Fall and Winter

We’ve got you covered as we’ve rounded up the hottest men’s fashion trends that are straight off the runways for fall and winter 2022.

E360tv Announces the Newest Short Film Releases – “Abhita and Right-Hand Man,” Drama

"Right Hand Man" and "Abhita" Debut on e360tv. Two short films which highlight two ongoing issues, bullying and gun violence, on e360tv streaming network.

Santayana’s Curse

In today’s polarized world, our real enemy is not each other but social media moguls, some in the news media, and some politicians, seeking to divide us for their own monetary greed and political aggrandizement.

Nostalgia, History, and the Best Food in All of Las Vegas

The history of Piero’s is incredible. Probably every mobster that ever came to Vegas, and trust me, they all came, dined here numerous times. Every movie star that stopped in town dined here, and why not? There are multiple rooms all with their own history and photos of yesteryear.

The Living Lincoln:

And while I do not pooh-pooh such things, they do not prompt me to damn the memory of Lincoln, a la “cancel culture”; especially when I take into account his struggle against a form of racism that was a thousand times more oppressive and evil.

Let’s Cancel Cancel Culture Bullying…

Edmund Burke was the first to say that when good [people] do nothing, evil flourishes. Bullying, for any reason, even disguised as a safety issue, is oppressively evil. Silence to evil is assent. Assent ushers in tyranny.

Salvation Saloon Badass Church and Saints©

The demand grew for weekly services instead of just every couple of months. Thus, the “Watering Hole Church”.  Since then, many lives have been changed. Lives that would not have been changed by traditional means.



St. Louis Entrepreneur Lacey ‘G Souldier’ Turner Honored with Business of...

Acting Director of the Department of Economic Development, Michelle Hataway, highlighted the inspiring dedication of individuals like Lacey "G Souldier" Turner, who work tirelessly to make a positive difference in the lives of others.