Major Keys for Building a Happy Relationship with Your Partner

A happy relationship consists of empathy, positivity, mutual love and respect, trust, commitment, and acceptance. You can fill any void in a relationship with these characteristics. 

How to Improve Understanding in a Relationship

The fundamental requirement of understanding in a relationship is to decide when to provide what based on your partner's needs.

Gutting Versus Kindness

I’m learning to view all friendships as potentially temporary (if longer, that’s a bonus) and as lessons to be learned, including kindness in closure… a pox upon me if I ever leave a friendship, as my “friend” did, without a kind explanation an


Lateness by definition is someone who arrives after the expected time, and a chronic latecomer is someone who continually arrives late.

Coping with Couples’ Different Sleep Needs

Of course, not all couples struggle when it comes to sleep, but many will. This is largely because many couples will have different sleep needs.



10 Essential Tips for Caring for a Sick Loved One at...

Discover 10 essential tips for caring for a sick loved one at home, from creating a comfortable environment to managing medications effectively