3 Ways to Have a Positive Mindset

Many of you have heard me say that the three keys to success are attitude, attitude, attitude.

How Do You Represent Yourself in a Family Court (Pretrial/Trial)?

I represented myself throughout a highly acrimonious child custody proceeding; if I had to put a percentage on it, I would say I had counsel 5% of the time

Be the Best You in Every Phase of Your Life

We need to find out what our gifts are and how we can use them to their full potential. Make the decision to be the best YOU that you can be.

Dedicate This Week to Success!

When it comes to success, dedication is a very important factor. Behind every successful person, there is a high level of dedication which shows the commitment of that person wanting to achieve their life goals. Dedication simply means total devotion. 

3 Ways to Keep Your Focus Positive

Whatever you are focusing on, that’s what you will become.

Beginning Steps to Building Wealth

When it comes to building wealth, it’s all about having a plan.

What Are Your Plans for 2020?

The first step is to grab a sheet of paper and at the top of it, write out the word “PLANS”. Instead of beginning each sentence with "I want to," start with "I will."

Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 4

The Butterfly A… Metamorphosis is a significant change In the course of one’s life, personality Or way of thinking.

Consistent Discipline is the Key

A positive attitude is extremely important in achieving long-term success, along with knowing exactly what you want.

Shift Your Fears into Excitement

Even the top salespeople sometimes struggle with fear. Everyone wants to be successful, but sometimes fear or anxiety can get in the way.



Revitalize Your Space: Transforming Overlooked Corners into Creative Havens

Unveil practical tips and inspiring ideas to turn any neglected nook into a vibrant, productive, and inspiring sanctuary. Read on to learn more!