How Often Do Judges Deliberately Commit Reversible Errors in the United States?

In reflecting on this answer, it is disappointing to me that I cannot give you an answer of “never”.

Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 4

The Butterfly A… Metamorphosis is a significant change In the course of one’s life, personality Or way of thinking.

5 Ways You Can Make a Difference

Several years ago, I was doing some heavy reflecting on success.

5 Detrimental D Words

The mind is a powerful thing. Your thought pattern will control the outcome of your life.

The Best Defense to a Shooter with an Agenda is to Know and Control...

Event organizers across the country are now scrutinizing their security plans following last weekend’s tragic Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting, which left three innocent people dead and 12 injured.

Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 8

You are me & I am you, What is it like to walk in your shoes? You are YOU & I am ME.

Be the Best You Can Be

Success does not come overnight nor does it come easy. So many times you hear people talking about overnight successes and people just having luck. 

Shift Your Fears into Excitement

Even the top salespeople sometimes struggle with fear. Everyone wants to be successful, but sometimes fear or anxiety can get in the way.

Ways to Overcome a Setback

Your future looks incredible—understand that setbacks are part of the process of building your character. I wish you great success!

Decide to Make it Happen!

People who make it happen also have a success plan in place. Successful people have a structured plan of attack. They plan the work and they work the plan.



Indianapolis Designer Le Catou Makes Debut at Paris Fashion Week

Indianapolis, IN - July 24, 2024 – Le Catou, the Indianapolis-based fashion brand by designer Berny Martin, unveiled a stunning new collection at a...