Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D.

So while I recommend Proof of Heaven to readers who are intrigued by this topic, it would be wise to consider a wide range of near-death experiences rather than focus on this one alone.

The Blessings of Being Together

Walk the turtle with each turning point and ride the whispering winds of time with gratitude for the blessings of being together.

Ah, the Life of Pets

A few pet cartoons to brighten your day!

Tomorrow’s Possibilities

Transitions of passion fill the spirit as the mending of wounds become healed by the powers of kindness and love...

Kafka’s Stories and Novels

Franz Kafka, insurance agent and literary genius, died from tuberculosis in 1924 at the age of forty.

The Fragrance of Beauty

Walk the turtle with the fragrance of beauty with each kiss and allow yourself to feel the affectionate touch of peace as you listen to the whispers of guidance during your journey. 

Blood of Jesus

A fascinating presence is felt burning inside our souls as a spirit of Holiness enters into our hearts and minds filling our veins with love.

The Wisdom of the Desert by Thomas Merton

Merton himself was an interesting man.  He was a twentieth century Roman Catholic monk whose writings became very popular even among nonreligious readers. 

Our Connection

Inside the thick fog of confusion, a blurry vision of haunting images...

Growing Older

REMEMBER,GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get. We make a Life by what we give.



St. Louis Entrepreneur Lacey ‘G Souldier’ Turner Honored with Business of...

Acting Director of the Department of Economic Development, Michelle Hataway, highlighted the inspiring dedication of individuals like Lacey "G Souldier" Turner, who work tirelessly to make a positive difference in the lives of others.