The Gift of Love

Human touch gives comfort to our being and purpose as we hold each other close and feel the heartbeat of life inside. 

The Depth of Heartfelt Moments

A spiritual thread of fabric that is woven into the tapestry of our life is created during each second we have existed.

The Remembering

What I decided to do was do nothing. I felt that the answer to the why of my new vision was inside me.

Overcome Submission of the Human Spirit

Learn to see and read the signs and overcome the submission of the human spirit as we break free from yesterday.

Our Connection

Inside the thick fog of confusion, a blurry vision of haunting images...

Edgar Allan Poe: Stories and Poems

Poe shared with Nathaniel Hawthorne a distinctively American vision of darkness.  And yet this vision was rendered artfully, not in a merely negative or pessimistic manner.

Ramona: The Most Important Woman in the History of Southern California

While at an estate sale here in Fullerton, I happened upon an old book written by Helen Hunt Jackson first published in 1884, the name: Ramona.

Why One Should Listen to Their Dreams

But it was only after I began to write stories, a children’s book, and then a book featuring teenagers for adult consumption did I realize that maybe I hadn’t followed my own advice.  Perhaps the adage, follow your dreams meant something completely different.  

The Less You Know About History…

I love history. Like the Bible, it’s a fascinating read about people you may or may not have heard of but who came, saw, and conquered or perhaps were conquered.

Into the Unknowns of Tomorrow

Listening to the symphony of singing birds during the break of dawn...



Q & A with Music Composer Yeakun Yoo

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing South Korean actor and musician Yeakun Yoo. "I want to become a composer who can achieve great honors like the Grammy or Emmy within the next five years, and I will make it happen.