A Dog’s World

Memes and quips to love and appreciate dogs even more than we already do.

Understanding Critical Race Theory

The recent ban on Critical Race Theory (CRT) in federal diversity training misunderstands the concept. CRT, from my reading and experience, brings people together, rather than tearing them apart.

And It’s the Dogs Again!

Let's give a thanks to all the great dog sayings in this post.

Feel the Presence of Life

Walk the turtle toward your desires of heart. Give yourself completion of purpose by opening the doors of illusion...

Why One Should Listen to Their Dreams

But it was only after I began to write stories, a children’s book, and then a book featuring teenagers for adult consumption did I realize that maybe I hadn’t followed my own advice.  Perhaps the adage, follow your dreams meant something completely different.  

A Kaleidoscope of Colors

An intimacy with silence inside the mind and soul absorbs the language of wisdom heard by the voice within our heart.

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

In a sense, then, Melville’s most famous work (published in 1851) is made up of two different books: the one is the novel proper, which is a great and unique work of American literature; the other is a long-winded and pedantic study of whaling and whales generally.

The Fabric of Dreams

Woven fabrics of dreams live in depths of emotions that may spin out of control during moments of loneliness...

His Hand Holds Our Hearts

Signatures of our spiritual energies felt during the embracing of memories and sorrows are spun inside the mind...

Love Within a World of Uncertainty

It brings forth a smile and a deep sense of being loved within a world of uncertainty and unlimited possibilities of happiness.



Q & A with Music Composer Yeakun Yoo

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing South Korean actor and musician Yeakun Yoo. "I want to become a composer who can achieve great honors like the Grammy or Emmy within the next five years, and I will make it happen.