Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 9

What’s the Meaning of Your Name? I believe we can find out about our true nature through a variety of different tools.

Think Like an Above Average Person

Success is at the top and failure at the bottom. When you think about mediocrity or being average, it is right smack in the middle.

Why Is Keeping on Top of Your Credit Report Vital?

“The real problem with credit reports is the astounding number of errors,” says Brookings Institute fellow, Aaron Klein.

Be the Best You Can Be

Success does not come overnight nor does it come easy. So many times you hear people talking about overnight successes and people just having luck. 

How to Get Serious about Employee Background Checks

You’ve culled through your candidates to fill an opening in your business and finally landed on someone who seems like a perfect fit.

Set Goals and Become a Winner

These past several days have been absolutely wonderful. As many of you know, we had a summer contest called the Norton nine contest.

Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 8

You are me & I am you, What is it like to walk in your shoes? You are YOU & I am ME.

Wake Up for Success

Studies have shown that 90% of executives wake up before 6 a.m. and nearly 50% of all self-made millionaires wake up three hours before their actual workday begins.

It’s Your Choice Choose Success

What an incredible opportunity that we have with RMS!

Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 7

Who Am I? We go through life striving to meet other’s expectations of who they want us to be.



Jeff Sesol awarded the “Outstanding Leadership Award”

In 2024, Mr. Sesol was recognized for his proven leadership abilities and granted the Outstanding Leadership Award at the 2024 CXO 2.0 Leadership Conference. GALLATIN,...