The First Steps to Take for Your Small Business

Starting a small business can be an exciting and daunting prospect. The key is to take it slowly and provide clarity on your intended operation both for your own benefit and that of investors.

5 Ways to Overcome Disappointment

Here is a wonderful quote I read this week by Robert Kiyosaki...

What Is Ethical Investing and How Can You Get Started?

While ESG investments focus on sustainability and are increasing in popularity, it’s important to remember that markets can shift at any time. 

Think Like an Above Average Person

Success is at the top and failure at the bottom. When you think about mediocrity or being average, it is right smack in the middle.

Win the Morning, Win the Day

I know many of you, as you are reading this, might say, "I am not a morning person.”

5 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable

Holding yourself accountable means deeply embracing the reasons why you are doing what you are doing. Make that 100% commitment and hold yourself accountable.

What Has San Diego Become?

But when I cannot leave our parking lot because my car is blocked in with tents, debris and people in similar states of crisis, I’ve started losing faith that those solutions are ever coming.

The Secret to Having More Luck

Your views on luck can greatly influence your success. For example, if you think that success is out of your control then there’s no point in trying too hard.

The Authentic Leader – Being True to Yourself

In a world where leadership often feels like a high-wire act, authenticity is the safety net that ensures you don't lose your balance. It's...

Reading Stock Charts: A Skill Every Share Trader Should Master

In the world of finance and investing, information is power. Understanding and interpreting stock charts is a critical skill for share traders that can significantly impact their success in the stock market.



Carmine’s Italian and Virgil’s Real Barbecue

Carmine's Italian and Virgil's Real Barbecue--Two Great Sister Restaurants