How to Lead a Hybrid Workplace Effectively

Undoubtedly, balancing the needs of remote and in-person professionals will be tricky for many leaders. Here are three tips on managing a hybrid workplace effectively:

Mindset Mastery Series for Entrepreneurs – Part 1

Developing a winning mindset requires a big vision, clearly defined values and goals, and empowering beliefs.

Set Goals and Become a Winner

These past several days have been absolutely wonderful. As many of you know, we had a summer contest called the Norton nine contest.

Winning the Super Bowl of Life

This past week, I had the wonderful blessings of attending the Super Bowl with some great friends.

Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 4

The Butterfly A… Metamorphosis is a significant change In the course of one’s life, personality Or way of thinking.

30 Day Success Challenge

Many people talk about success, and there are questions that come up as to what are the keys to becoming super successful.

Advantages of Steel Buildings in Saskatchewan

Additionally, steel buildings can be designed with energy efficiency in mind, reducing the environmental impact over the structure's life.

Mindset Mastery Series for Entrepreneurs – Part 2

This three-part series is intended to support you during these difficult times by guiding you in developing a winning mindset and building a thriving business. In Part 1, I shared a brief overview of the nine elements of a winning mindset.  Here in Part 2, I will delve more deeply into Elements 1 - 4.

5 Ways to Stop Making Excuses

I have been in direct sales for a long time, and I probably have heard every excuse that there is about why a person is not successful.

4 Areas of IP Law That Can Save You From Disaster

Whether you are an independent entrepreneur or part of a new startup, it is absolutely vital to have a basic grasp of intellectual property (IP) law so that you can avoid having your ideas stolen or flushed out of the market by competitors.



Q & A with Music Composer Yeakun Yoo

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing South Korean actor and musician Yeakun Yoo. "I want to become a composer who can achieve great honors like the Grammy or Emmy within the next five years, and I will make it happen.