Nigerian Princess Shines Among the Stars 2nd Annual HAPAwards

Princess Monalisa Okojie, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and Jewelry Designer to the Stars remains committed to honoring Africans both here and abroad for the significant achievements they have made within the entertainment community.

Principles of Life

Life is real and raw. As I practice mindfulness daily and find myself becoming more of an observer than a participator, the amazing principles of life come into perspective.

“A History of the American People” by Paul Johnson

Though I decided long ago to maintain some degree of skepticism where any historian is concerned, I enjoy and trust Paul Johnson above the rest.

Creating and Maintaining a Winning Mindset

I get asked over and over again, “When are you going to retire?” Chuckles often immediately follow.

Hand of Fate

An unfair veil of despair is cloaked around a grieving spirit during the storms of life's challenges.

InRage Entertainment

Years ago, when hip-hop emerged as a radical form of music, few would have envisioned its universal popularity and its multi-cultural and generational crossover appeal.

A Great Place To Film & Home of the Mississippi Bulldogs!

A couple of days ago I was sitting at a table in the patio of a well–known celebrity hangout in Los Angeles when I overheard a conversation between a producer and director.


Lateness by definition is someone who arrives after the expected time, and a chronic latecomer is someone who continually arrives late.

Travel Like A Boss with JetSmarter

As the owner of a Travel business, we get around the world a bit. Germany – London- Japan- Portugal – Spain – Italy – Australia – Turkey just to name a few of the stops I have made in my time.

2018 All-Star Weekend.

2018 All-Star Weekend. I’m sure they plan on kicking it up a notch for this upcoming season all-star weekend.” stated ABA Co-founder Joe Newman. In April...



St. Louis Entrepreneur Lacey ‘G Souldier’ Turner Honored with Business of...

Acting Director of the Department of Economic Development, Michelle Hataway, highlighted the inspiring dedication of individuals like Lacey "G Souldier" Turner, who work tirelessly to make a positive difference in the lives of others.