Purpose in Life

Understanding our purpose in life is found by listening to the divine voice inside our hearts. 

Into a Promised Land

Hold your head up and ride the tide, as we all are merely travelers of space and time. We must embrace the hope and grace of His guiding hand as we move through 2021 into a promised land. 

The Gift of Love

Human touch gives comfort to our being and purpose as we hold each other close and feel the heartbeat of life inside. 

An Abyss of Deep Thought

Our journey within takes us into an abyss of deep thought as our sense of being is revealed while our mindful spirit reminisces through memories in time. 

Overcome Submission of the Human Spirit

Learn to see and read the signs and overcome the submission of the human spirit as we break free from yesterday.

Reach Out to the Drowning

We reach out to the ones drowning among the crashing waves and pull them into the light of warmth by giving our whole heart.

A Loving Embrace for Humanity

As a new dawn draws closer our fragility becomes more clear.

Feeling the Depths of Loss

Feeling a spirit of darkness within the global winds as an aggression fills the flesh of man.  

The Human Touch

A compassionate embrace caresses the soul as the affection of our hearts can feel the thoughts of those we are connected to by love.  

The Depth of Heartfelt Moments

A spiritual thread of fabric that is woven into the tapestry of our life is created during each second we have existed.



The Authentic Leader – Being True to Yourself

In a world where leadership often feels like a high-wire act, authenticity is the safety net that ensures you don't lose your balance. It's...