The Blessings of Being Together

Walk the turtle with each turning point and ride the whispering winds of time with gratitude for the blessings of being together.

Vivid Reels of Rewinding Memories

We gather our thoughts during the aftermath of sorrows, struggles, and pain felt during our past experiences...

Seeking Harmonic Balance

Signs will emerge and angels will appear from heavenly realms; harmonic balance will begin to be felt as a compassionate voice is heard while a soft warmth caresses our ear.

A Gift God Created in You

I have often pondered the reasons why some people are given the gift of longevity while other lives are cut short in death.

Celebrate Christ

A significant spirit of hope swirls through the winter winds as an entanglement of love and cheer whisks upon the air as a God wink of care lifts us up.

Unconditional Love

Flipping through photographs of precious moments we shared and daydreaming about certain haunting memories that seem to touch the depths of our soul...

Your Hand in Heaven

Transcending beyond the realm of the flesh with infinite existence among our Universe...

Thoughtful Moments Among Memories

Thoughtful moments among my memories begin to surface from inside my mind.

The Human Touch

A compassionate embrace caresses the soul as the affection of our hearts can feel the thoughts of those we are connected to by love.  

The Simplicity of Thought

Walk the turtle with simplicity of thought and align our perspective with truth inside each struggle, to break free of undertones and embrace the beauty of a loving, soft kiss.



Empowering Wellness: Health & Wellness Fair Highlights

Discover the empowering highlights from the latest Health & Wellness Fair, promoting a holistic approach to well-being.